How to get healthy hair ?

How to get healthy hair ?


Fatigue, stress, pollution? These factors have negative effects on our bodies and our hair, making them less healthy. It becomes duller and more brittle. Here are 4 tips to incorporate into your routine to quickly regain silk and strong hair.

1. A healthy lifestyle: the key to beautiful hair

Taking care of yourself and adopting the right habits by eating healthy foods is essential to feel good about your body and have healthy, beautiful hair.

What foods should I choose to have soft and strong hair?

Like skin and nails, 97% of the hair is composed of a natural protein called keratin. Therefore, to guarantee its silky appearance, your hair needs essential nutrients to promote its growth. It is highly recommended to have a balanced and varied diet to keep your hair in shape and strengthen it. Here are the nutrients to include in your diet:

  • Proteins are essential to the composition of your hair to prevent it from splitting or becoming brittle. You will find them in fish, meat, eggs, legumes, dairy products, and whole grains.
  • Vitamins (A, B5, B8, E) play a fundamental role in having healthy hair. They are found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, eggs, legumes, and vegetable oils.
  • Essential fatty acids are crucial for the growth and shine of your hair. They are naturally present in dairy products, meat, fish, and eggs.
  • Zinc, a key contribution to maximizing hair growth. Its main sources are found in seafood, meat, cheese, wholemeal bread, and eggs.

It’s also important to be careful of restrictive diets: a lack of lipids can deteriorate the health of the hair. Protection and lubrication are therefore essential for them.

You have to stay cool for healthy hair

healthy hair cool stress

Today, we all know how stress can harm our health. Fatigue, irritability, sleep disorders, so many factors can warn you. Therefore, it is important to take care of your body by avoiding sources of tension because hair undergoing emotional or chronic stress can be highly fragile: the keratin then becomes brittle. Moreover, stress increases hair loss and disrupts its renewal. To have healthy hair, pay attention to your body and its needs.

2. Protect yourself from pollution, the number-one enemy of your hair

Exhaust fumes, dust, polluting particles... These are the issues you can meet living in a city center. It's hard to escape them! And yet, these external aggressions are not without consequences for the health of our hair. Pollution makes it more fragile, and by washing it often with products, we attack the hair fiber a little more each day.

3. Follow a beauty cure to stimulate growth and have beautiful hair

Having a healthy and balanced diet plays a fundamental role in hair quality. Despite this, it is common today to have deficiencies for various reasons related to our lifestyle: stress, pollution, smoking, are the main examples. The change of seasons, but also hormonal changes can also weaken your hair. For instance, a beauty cure of about 3 months is recommended to fill up with vitality and provide all the necessary active ingredients.

Our “Beauty” gummies for hair, nails, and skin, are composed mainly of biotin, hyaluronic acid, zinc, and vitamins C and E: your hair will be more resistant, softer, and shiny. In addition to stimulating growth and providing volume, it is the ideal solution to strengthen your nails in splitting or breakage and taking care of your skin: your complexion becomes perfectly unified, more bright.

4. Heal your hair with natural treatments

natural treatment healty hair

To have beautiful hair, take a closer look at its nature. Whether it's curly, frizzy, or straight, choose products, if possible natural, that respect the structure of your hair without denaturing it.

To do this, use gentle shampoos and vegetable oils, depending on your hair type and your needs:

  • Avocado oil if your hair is tired and needs to be strengthened.
  • Jojoba oil, perfect for restoring shine, suppleness, and vitality.
  • Hazelnut oil regulates sebum and purifies the scalp.
  • Castor oil is known to stimulate hair growth

In case of dry hair, do not hesitate to use nourishing masks, especially to protect it during the summer, during excessive sun exposure. UVA and UVB rays cause an alteration of the cuticles, and consequently, make them rougher and more brittle. Nourishing them intensely can only make them stronger and shinier.

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